The role of the trustee board

Our group trustee board members can often be the invisible volunteers in scouting. But, this said, they are trustees and are responsible for the management and governance of scouting within your scout group.

Our trustees work on our trustee boards at every level (in groups, districts, counties and nationally), to support the delivery of exciting, safe programmes. It might not be the most glamorous or visible role – but that doesn’t make it any less essential.

Together, Trustees make sure the that your group is well managed, risks are assessed and mitigated, buildings and equipment are in good working order, and everyone follows legal requirements and Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR). Their support helps your section teams run a fantastic programme that gives young people skills for life (and experiences they’ll remember forever).

The Trustee Board must act in the charity’s best interests, acting with reasonable care and skill and take steps to be confident that:

The scout group is:

  • well managed
  • carrying out its purposes for the public benefit
  • complying with the charity’s governing document and the law
  • managing the charity’s resources responsibly

And that the scout group:

  1. is operating compliant with Policy, Organisation & Rules (POR), including effective management of the key policies listed in chapter 2 - equal opportunities privacy and data protection, religious, safeguarding, safety, vetting, youth member anti-bullying policies.
  2. ensures that young people are meaningfully involved in decision making at all levels
  3. plan so that there are sufficient resources (funds, people, property and equipment) available to meet the planned work of each sections in the group to enable the delivery of high quality programme and the youth training programme
  4. has a positive image in the local community

The Trustee Board members must themselves collectively:

  1. develop and maintain a risk register, including putting in place appropriate mitigations
  2. ensure that the group’s finances are properly managed, including development and maintenance of appropriate budgets to support the work of the group
  3. maintain and manage:
       - a reserves policy (including a plan for use of reserves outside the ‘minimum’)   
       - an investment policy
       - a public benefit statement for the group
  4. ensure that people, property and equipment are appropriately insured, and that any property and equipment owned or used by the group is properly protected and maintained
  5. promote and support the development of scouting in the local area
  6. ensure the appointment and management and operation of any sub-committees, including appointing a chair to lead the sub-committee
  7. ensure that effective administration is in place to support the work of the Trustee Board
  8. appoint any Administrators, Advisers and co-opted members of the Trustee Board
  9. ensure transparency of operation, including:
    • prepare and approve the annual accounts and arrange their sign-off of by an auditor, independent examiner or scrutineer as appropriate and as appointed by the Scout Council at their Annual General Meeting (AGM)
    • prepare and approve the Trustees’ annual report (which must include the annual accounts)
    • present the approved Trustees’ annual report and annual accounts to the scout council at the AGM
    • following the AGM, ensure that a copy of the trustee annual report and accounts is sent to the District Trustee Board administration and, if a registered charity, is filed with the appropriate charity regulator (if the regulator’s rules require it)
    • ​​​​​​​take responsibility for adherence to data protection legislation (GDPR), recognising that, dependent on circumstances, it will at different times act as a data controller and as a data processor
    • ​​​​​​​individually and collectively maintain confidentiality regarding appropriate trustee board business

where staff are employed:

  • act as a responsible employer in accordance with scouting’s values and relevant legislation
  • ensure that effective line management is in place for each employed staff member and that these are clearly established and communicated
  • ensure that appropriate specific personnel insurance is in place

The Executive committee’s members consist of:

Ex-officio members

There are several members of the group trustee board who are ex-officio members because of the role that they hold.

They do not have to be nominated or voted onto the board because their role means that they already have a place.

  • The Group Chair

  • The Group Treasurer

  • The Group Lead Volunteer 
  • The Explorer Scout Leader (if stated in a Partnership Agreement and subject to that Explorer Scout Leader expressly indicating to the AGM (in writing or orally at the meeting) that they are willing to perform such a function
  • The sponsoring authority or its nominee (if applicable)

Nominated members

People nominated annually by the Group Lead Volunteer and approved at the group annual general meeting.

These people need not be members of the group scout council and their number must not exceed that of the elected members.

  • persons elected at the group annual general meeting

Elected members

Members of the group scout council who are elected annually by the group scout council at their annual general meeting. These should normally be four to six in number. The numbers to be elected must be the subject of a resolution by the group scout council. 

  • persons elected at the group annual general meeting (including the Group Secretary id they are also a trustee)

Co-opted members

  • People co-opted annually, as required, by the group trustee board.

The number of co-opted members can not be more than the number of electee members 

Right of Attendance

  • The District Commissioner and County Commissioner and the District Chair and County Chair have the right of attendance at meetings of the group trustee board



The group trustee board may also establish any sub-committees that it deems necessary.


Trustee status

Only persons aged 18 and over may be full voting members of the group executive committee because of their status as charity trustees.

Tips for kick-starting an effective executive

Check out our tips and tricks to kick-start your executive committee.