Camping skills weekend

Camping Skills

Module 38: Skills for Residential Experiences

Camping skills badge


Our camping skills course covers module 38 and is a fun and informative practical camping weekend! 

The weekend covers topics relating to understanding residential experiences and the role they play in scouting and their are sessions which cover the core areas of the Nights Away Permit Assessment scheme which will help you gain and consolidate skills and prepare you to go forward and apply for a Nights Away Permit.

This training does not automatically qualify you for a Nights Away Permit. It is an opportunity to learn and develop the skills you
need for the Nights Away Permit Assessment.

This is a residential training course and overnight stay on Saturday night is mandatory.

To find out more about the Nights Away Permit Scheme click here.

Weekend Courses


Modules Covered 

Course Name



19th - 20th October 38Residential ExperiencesCudham ShawsResidential Camping
Click here to book your place